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White Space in Your DesignWhite can be a soothing and relaxing color to see. For some people white is simply a refreshing color while for others it is a dull, common color. If you have been in the web business for quite a while you would often hear the word white space. What does this term mean? |
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A Guide to Bathroom Remodeling
Home Remodeling TipsMaximizing the function and style of your home, could be very challenging. Before you buy, you should know the pros and cons of home remolding. There are several directions you can take when planning to remodel your home. |
ArticlesPutting Your Pet Out to PastureDon't let the title fool you. This is not an article about your pet getting old. The title is just a "hook" to encourage you to read on. Hopefully, when you do, you will find this a very informative article relating to your pet's health, or at least your understanding of some aspects of it. I actually want to talk to you about grass. That's right?grass. More specifically, I want to talk to you about why dogs and cats eat grass. I think we would be hard-pressed to find anyone who has not witnessed this peculiarity of domestic animals at one time or another. When it is our pet, however, it can cause us concern and, if we let our imaginations go unchecked, it can cause us alarm. It has been my experience that on occasion, that alarm can lead to unnecessary expense as we panic and rush our best friend off to the nearest veterinarian, only to hear him tell us with a chuckle "he's okay, it's normal for him to eat grass. How embarrassing is that! Why is it normal for our pets to consume grass? They all do it if they are allowed access to it. Are they not getting the right nourishment? Are they ill? These are all unsettling, but reasonable questions. More unsettling is that invariably shortly after ingesting the grass, perhaps 20 minutes later, they regurgitate it back up in a kind of green gooey mess (sorry to be so graphic). Why would they do this? Why would they do something that appears to be so hard on their system, or maybe even harmful to them? Should I be alarmed? The short answer is "no, don't panic". As I mentioned earlier, any veterinarian will tell you that this is normal behavior. The very fact that all pets do it should suggest to you that it is not a bad thing. The long or more detailed answer is that the outdoors is an animal's natural world and grass is part of that world. You and I can turn on the radio or television and be kept up to date on what is happening in our world. For dogs and cats, the ground is their primary source of connection with their world. The ground is like a giant newspaper for them. They interpret the odors and conditions to discover what other dogs have been visiting their turf and what they did there. They "read" the yard to know what is happening in the world outside the house. With their heightened senses, they perceive when another dog or cat has been on their turf, whether it rained the night before, that so and so is in heat, or that the season is changing. Additionally, the role the ground plays in our pet's lives does not end at bringing them the news. Through their own "contributions", they communicate to future visitors of that site who the yard belongs to, who they are and what they are about. Sometimes the deposit is meant as a welcome, other times a warning. It just depends on what the news is for that day. But in keeping with the primary theme of this article, the ground is also the local canine and feline drug store. Perhaps it could more accurately be called the local natural herb store. I don't know how many times I have heard someone ignorantly say "look at that stupid dog eating grass". The truth is, they are not stupid at all, but are rather quite savvy natural pharmacists. I think most people would be surprised to learn that animals know a whole lot more about herbs than we do. I concede it may be more of an instinctive knowledge than cognitive understanding, but it is knowledge nonetheless. In fact, their understanding of herbal remedies is awesome. Have you ever noticed that they don't eat just any grass?they sniff around until they find exactly what they are looking for? Like the aisles in a drug store, each section of the outdoors holds different remedies. For instance, certain grasses and sprouts are sought out and taken as internal cleansers. They cause vomiting; something we have all witnessed. This vomiting is the expected result for your pet. They know when they eat it that it will cause this reaction, yet they do it willingly and with purpose. They instinctively know that it will cleanse their body of bile and other items that are not digestible. Anyone who loves and keeps animals knows that there are a lot of items that qualify in this category, from shoes to yarn to hair to some of the most extraordinary items. While it is unsettling to know that they are not smart enough to figure out that swallowing a sock is not a good thing, it is comforting that they are usually savvy enough to know how to extricate it from their system before it becomes a problem or threat. This only emphasizes the importance of their having access to the outdoors on a regular basis. Continuing, there is more to their natural pharmacy than just cleansers. Other grasses and herbs help evict or terminate worms and other parasites in their system. Still others provide needed minerals and nutrients and enhance digestive enzymes and acids. Uncannily, they all seem to know what remedy is needed for exactly whatever ails them at the moment. Then, perhaps the biggest benefit to them is the presence of chlorophyll in most grasses. Chlorophyll helps to fight infection, enrich the coat and even relieves pain such as joint aches. It can also enhance cartilage soundness and offers a host of other benefits. I know all this sounds a bit simplistic, but it really is not that complicated. The truth is that animals appear to know more about these things than you and I do and certainly more than we would think they should know. I am not sure "how" they know, but it is enough to accept that they do know, without having to know the "why". Modern medicine has actually taken a step backwards to develop more primitive remedies as a result of a closer study of this savvy in animals. Science is now recognizing that many of the grass roots (pardon the pun) remedies nature provides for our pets are as good as, if not better than synthetic drugs. In fact, people are learning how to cultivate and produce certain herbs and grasses to help their pets, even freezing summer crops for winter dispensing when grasses are not in season. This can be especially helpful to cats and other mammals who are not allowed to venture outdoors, but who still need to ingest some of the natural cleansing agents found there. Next time you see your pet eating grass, don't worry about it. They are doing something to help their health. Just give them time to allow the process to culminate before you let them back in on your carpet. The author is a retired Coast Guard Officer with over 32 years of service. He is also a Baptist Preacher and Bible Teacher. He helps those grieving the loss of a pet to understand the Biblical evidence that proves they live on. His most popular book, "Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates" delivers hope and comfort to the reader in a very gentle, yet convincing way. Visit at http://www.coldnosesbook.com for more information and tips or write to Gary at petgate@aol.com. Home Renovations How to Find the Right Aromatherapy Candle Scent - Feel sad, tired, or a little bit stressed? Something as simple as an aromatherapy candle could help you relax and feel happier. Discount Above Ground Pool Pumps Are They Easily Available To Purchase - Of course discount above ground pool pumps are available for you to purchase. Building Saunas Tips On How To Build Your Own Sauna - So you want to build your own sauna do you? Planning to turn your bathroom into a glorious sauna that you can come home and relax in? Find out more . Organizing Your Home Office and Paperwork - Organizing your home office can truly be a hair raising task. 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